Business Overview
Located in the Zapallal community in Darien, Andrea Campos is an active member of the Community Bank and has been in the business of raising and selling chickens for nearly a year.
Chicken Venture, Andrea Campos - Zapallal, Panama
Economic Challenge
Andrea Campos started with a government initiative that built a chicken coop and provided initial materials needed for it. Despite being fairly new to the project, Andrea has raised a few rounds of chickens for sale and has started making some savings goals for her earnings. Additionally, she is in the business of selling duros, local popsicles. She hopes that with savings from her business she can raise enough money to buy a car.
Business Owner(s): Andrea Campos
Date Established: Fall of 2015
Community Members Involved: 1
Economic Challenge
- Buyers want to buy cheap and always bring the price down during negotiations
- Andrea has never received training related to the poultry industry
Business Solution
The Business
Despite the fear at the beginning of not performing well, Miss Campos currently holds the Treasurer position at the community bank in Zapallal which has given her basic transferable accounting skills. Andrea has taken out 3 loans so far, two for $100 dollars and the last for $40 dollars which she is still making payments on. She has always paid the installments on time and is looking to improve her savings through investment in her business.
Next Steps
Andrea Campos would like to continue her training and goal-setting for her small business.
Page Last Updated:October 05, 2017