Global Brigades is an international non-profit that empowers communities to meet their health and economic goals through university volunteers and local teams.

Consult Micro-enterprises Program

ESKALA have the option to participate in 7-day or 14-day consulting program in Panama. Volunteers facilitate financial literacy workshops and provide consulting to micro-enterprises on topics ranging from marketing to accounting.

Program Activities

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Strengthen Community-Owned Banks

In Panama, the consulting program provide capacity building workshops to the leaders of the community banks to increase membership, improve operations, and identify lower risk borrowers. Eskala program help add member savings accounts and ensure high repayment rates on loans.


Teach Financial Literacy

The program conduct workshops financial planning to members of the community bank and other small business owners. This with the goal of increase financial literacy around a culture of savings and prudent borrowing. Businesses that are seeking capital can work with ESKALA to develop a payment plan and decide if it’s beneficial to take a loan.


Consult Small Businesses

The program utilize business consulting frameworks to identify opportunities for increased income and resolve financial challenges of small rural businesses in Panama. It also helps small businesses decide on the feasibility of utilizing low-interest loans or creating a savings strategy to reach their economic goals.


Provide Capital for Loans

For the Panama consulting program, each chapter raises a minimum of $1,500 that is directly invested to capitalize the community bank. These funds are the lifeblood of the bank, utilized for matching savings accounts and low-interest loans. The goal is to ensure access to capital for new businesses, access to higher education, and other community projects with the end goal of sustainably.


Want to be part of a in-person Consulting Program?

Partnership with Deloitte

GBB proudly partners with Deloitte to increase impact on brigades! Deloitte consultants accompany our university volunteers to ensure higher quality business guidance for the community members while providing our students with valuable career insight.

For more information on receiving a Deloitte consultant on your brigade, please contact your advisor.