Business Overview
Pascuala Jimenez is an exceptional leader in the community of El Balé, in the Comarca Ngobe-Buglé, and the current treasurer of their community bank. While her retail business is her main economic activity, Pascuala also dedicates herself to fishing, agriculture and handcraft artisan work.
Pascuala Jimenez's Kiosk - El Balé, Panamá
Economic Challenge
The community of el Balé is located in the Comarca Ngobe-Buglé to the west of Panamá City, approximately 4 hours away. Pascuala Jimenez is a remarkable entrepreneur, which started her retail business about 1 year ago, but also dedicates herself to fishing, agriculture, poultry and crafting beautiful artisan work. In addition, Pascuala is the treasurer of the community bank of El Balé, where she does excellent bookkeeping of the financial books, works part time in a local church and supports a wide range of community events.
Pascuala’s main business is retail, in order to make sales, she walks to 7 communities and visits house-by-house every weekend to sell her products. She enjoys building relationships with those communities and she now has a loyal clientele that buys from her at each visit. She aims to someday build a physical store where she will be able to employ someone to sell her products in the community.
The Business
Pascuala is very excited to receive her first brigade and learn about different marketing strategies and tools for that she can apply for when her physical store is built. She has worked hard with her husband to get a loan to invest in her business expansion and is planning on building the store this upcoming dry season.
Competitive Advantage
Pascuala’s retail business offers delivery services and adapts her products to her client needs. Additionally, she sells raffles of her products and has seasonal offers that are promoted in the communities she sells to.
At the moment Pascuala struggles with inventory management and does not keep a clear inventory of her products, nor she knows the value of her inventory. In addition, her business does not have a name, logo or marketing strategy other than house-to-house sales.
Business Snapshot
Next Steps
The tasks thatPascuala Jimenez's Kiosk has prioritized are:
Page Last Updated:December 08, 2019