Jorge Pinto

Jorge grew up in Santiago de Veraguas, Panama, where he got his Commerce Degree at the Omar Torrijos Herrera Institute. He got his Masters from Universidad de Panamá. Jorge previously worked as a business advisor at two recognized financial institutions in Panama, until he saw the job ad for Global Brigades and decided to join the business program. Jorge enjoys interacting with everyone he meets during his field visits, as well as with his co-workers at the office. He also enjoys seeing the positive impact created in the lives of Community Bank members in each of the communities where Global Brigades works.

Jorge has been amazed with the changing mindsets of Community Bank members. He remembers in the beginning while speaking with new members, many said they only earned enough to get by with food, but now they have succeeded in a collective savings of more than $50,000 and more than $65,000 in loans.

In Jorge’s free time he enjoys time with his family, reading, and going for walks.
